Ostarine is the ideal androgen receptor modulator that helps prevent muscle wasting and even reduce hyperplasia. This product is classified as a SARM. The first human clinical trials have been extremely positive. In fact, Ostarine is one of the most effective SARMs you will find on the market. It is quite popular among bodybuilders. Also, it is the only SARM that has been tested on human beings.


The use of Ostarine speaks volumes because of its therapeutic uses. It is likely to replace medicines that have side effects. Bodybuilders started using Ostarine since the early 2000s after the research data became public. Over the years, it has remained to be the most popular SARM around.

How it Works

Ostarine works by binding to certain androgen receptors in bone and muscle tissues. You should note that androgen receptors are designed to receive information from steroidal hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and DHT. When these receptors are stimulated, Ostarine will mimic the action of testosterone in the body.

How to Use Ostarine

The recommended dosage of Ostarine is 10 mg per day for women. Men who are using it for cutting cycles or bulking should use 25 mg per day. For people on body decomposition cycle, they should go for a dose of 15 mg per day. You should note that this product can be stacked with any other SARM or even anabolic steroid thanks to its well-rounded profile. Moreover, it can be used as a PCT or in between the steroid cycles to help keep your hard-earned muscles. If you are using Ostarine for bodybuilding, you should use it for a maximum of 12 weeks.

If you use high dosages such as 40 mg per day, you may want to use with AI products. However, it is not recommended to use high dosages. This may result in side effects. Ideally, the side effects are generally temporary and mild. Some of these side effects include nausea, headaches, low energy, and back pain.