RAD-140 VS LGD-4033

For those who are knowledgeable about this world of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs, the RAD-140 vs LGD-4033 are still an illustrious pair. That is because these compounds are able to immediately connect with the body’s androgen receptors to especially alter the operation of certain bones and muscle cells.

The great thing about these SARMs is they have very few side-effects because they activate an anabolic action in the cells and tissues.

WHY RAD-140?

The RAD-140 is unique since it’s a nonsteroidal SARM that basically works using the androgen receptors found in your bone and muscle cells.

As soon as RAD-140 attaches itself, a tide of activity is created since the proteins interact within their own unique manner with the androgen receptor.

That is because every cell that comes into contact with the RAD-140 will release its own distinct proteins that will either help the effects of the RAD-140 in the androgen receptor or block its effects entirely. Because of this, only a portion of the androgen receptors will be aroused.

RAD-140 includes a structure that is completely different from testosterone, which is great news because it means that there is hardly any chance of the compound turning into unpleasant hormones.

RAD-140’s double-action formula means that it is able to activate your muscles and bones, while simultaneously preventing the seminal vesicles and prostate from getting aroused. Research done on rats additionally demonstrates that RAD-140 has low toxicity and it won’t increase your liver enzyme levels either.

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In addition to this, the exact same research indicates that after RAD-140 enters the blood, it functions to trigger biochemical pathways like MAPK which may markedly advance the health and viability of cells.

WHY LGD-4033?

LGD-4033 is a nonsteroidal compound that is very new to the marketplace. It has the ability to attach itself onto the androgen receptor so as to stimulate anabolic action, especially from the muscles.

Image result for lgd 4033

It has also been demonstrated to make an anabolic and anti-resorptive activity in the bones, which is distinguished by a unique focus on the bones and muscles rather than the typical reproductive organs that other steroidal compounds target.

The excellent thing about LGD-4033 is that it’s been extensively tested to make certain that you find the very best recommendation concerning how to safely use it. The study which has been completed on this chemical so far shows that it can eliminate body fat while increasing lean body mass, in addition to contributing to the general improved well-being.

Many experts in the SARMs industry believe LGD-4033 to be like testosterone enanthate just as it has very similar effects within the body, and is thus highly recommended for a body recomp.

But if you are getting ready to compete and have been placed on a strict calorie excess diet, then you’ll want to be on the watch for effects such as water retention, although it won’t be anything you can not handle. Some have taken a dose up to 20mg per day of LGD-4033 without any matter, which means it is quite safe to use.

You may also find researchers pile Ligandrol using Andarine (S4). Both of these will make a great stack to build mass and strength.

Nonetheless, you’re probably going to wish to go on a mild PCT cycle for about 4 months after taking this SARM to be able to resist the little bit of suppression it does cause.


It is safe to state the RAD-140 and the LGD-4033 are extremely versatile supplements which don’t come with the danger of estrogen production. They do not seem to cause any adverse side-effects either, except for restricting natural hormone production.

That is why you might find that a lot of bodybuilders who use RAD-140 vs LGD-4033 will follow it up with an intensive 4-week cycle of Post Cycle Therapy.

While these supplements are very similar to one another, we would definitely suggest LGD if your goal is to bulk up or use them both to be able to quickly get mass. If you are looking for a SARM that will help burn fat, Make Certain to check out SR9009 or GW501516

If it comes down to RAD-140 Vs LGD-4033, I’d say RAD-140 is definitely the stronger of the two.